Product News

Comments - for effective collaboration

Written by Ylva Espling | Aug 17, 2021 6:57:27 AM

With the new Comments feature, you can easily collaborate on a case and follow the communication history. 

We know that customer service organisations does not only recieve simple and quick questions from customers. Sometimes collaboration between several people in customer service is required to handle matters, and other times information from others in the organisation is needed to answer the customer. 

To make it easier for you who work with customer service to collaborate and communicate in Kundo, we have replaced the previous function Notes with Comments

For each comment you can see who wrote it and when. That makes it easy to follow the internal communication for a case and how it has been handled. 

A user who writes a comment can edit and delete it at any time, to prevent outdated information from remaining.

Do you sometimes need to involve others in the organization who are not users of Kundo? Then Ask for help can be used instead. 


With this change, we hope it will be even easier for you to collaborate and communicate!